Friday, 28 November 2014

Mega post part 2

Hi guys!

Once again my week has been super busy. I've been super stressed because of school and my personal life. A close relative of mine actually passed away a couple of weeks ago and I've got almost 10 different exams coming up, so yeah. But anyhow I decided to make a new blog post just to keep this blog active.

As I mentioned in the last blog post, my summer was great. I was in a lot of meetups, hanged out with my friends and family, travelled, met new awesome people and met my idol, Kaoru Mori.


Our balcony during summer. 
It was so warm! I felt like I was abroad while sitting on the sofa.

 Vilya & Varda. Varda wanted to eat the roses.

 Yavanna & Varda.


In June we didn't really have that many meetups, because it was so uncomfortably hot. So I mainly lounged around the house. I also went to France with my mom and sister. We travelled across Normandy but also spent a little time in Paris. I managed to go to the Angelic Pretty pop up store and of course, Btssb store!

Mont Saint-Michel

Claude Monet's Garden

 Some stuff I bought from Angelic Pretty's pop up store and my calendar.


Meeting Mori-sensei

JSK: Btssb
Bag: AP
Shoes: Bodyline

In July Animecon was held in Kuopio. The guest of honor was Kaoru Mori, mangaka, who has made the award winning series Emma and Bride's Story. When I first did hear about the fact that Kaoru Mori is indeed coming to Finland, I was incredibly happy. For months I was thinking what am I going to give her as a present when I finally meet her. Yoshh also asked me to make a presentation about Mori and her works. I finally decided to give her Kuutar (Moon Goddess) necklace from Kalevala Koru. The necklace is designed by mixing viking influences with ancient Finnish jewelry designs. I thought it would be fitting, since Mori makes historical manga series and the necklace is made in Finland.

The previous night before the convention was horrible. I was so overly exited and anxious about meeting Mori that I couldn't sleep at all. When I finally saw her on the stage, I got overly emotional and almost started to cry. When the first program was over, she asked people who were cosplaying her characters to come on the stage. They took some pictures and later on she wrote about it on her diary (which was published in Twitter). I got so jealous and disappointed, that in the end I didn't cosplay her character Shirley and I started to cry. I felt so stupid :D, like a teenage girl. So the day continued in super emotional mood (for me at least). At the end of the day it was time for the signing. When I finally met her I gave the necklace and explained about it. She said that she actually knows Kalevala Koru. I think she liked it. She's not like she draws herself. She had round face, light blue kimono and her hair on a bun. She was so beautiful. And I felt like crying after the signing was over. That's how happy I was.

The next day I had my presentation, which went really well. I got quite good feedback about it and I was happy that people did take part of the conversation and asked questions. It is truly fun to talk about something you feel really passionate about. I hope I can blabber about Kaoru Mori's work in the future too :D. I also managed to ask a question (Does she consider herself as a feminist?) in the Q&A program. All and all the whole weekend was super awesome!

Check out the Kaoru Mori fanblog I made!

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  1. Aivan ihana tuo teidän parveke, tosi tunnelmallinen! Mullakin on Kuutar-kaulakoru ja tykkään siitä hirmuisesti, oon varma että Kaoru Morikin tykkäsi siitä, kun sen piirustustyylikin on niin yksityiskohtaista ja kaunista!

    Seraphine & The Striped Box

    (pahoittelen edellisen kommentin poistumista, jotain ihme kikkailua pääsi nyt tapahtumaan!)

    1. Kiitos! Nyt se vaan on tylsä ku on sohvakin pressun alla :< huonompi puoli talvessa. Mulla on kans Kuutar. Mietin et se vois olla hyvä, kun siin on noit tommosia roikkuvia juttujakin, joita näissä Keski-Aasialaisissakin koruissa on. :)

  2. Yyyyh..kesä ♥ *ikävä*
    Oliks kesäkuussakin jossain kohtaa lämmin, ku juhannuksenaki sato rakeita ja olin kesä-heinäkuun vaihteessa takki päällä Helsingissä..? Toukokuussa oli joku hellejakso ja sit heinäkuussa, mut kesäkuu meni jotenkin ihan ohi. :(

    Aivan ihana parveke ja ooh..ranska! Haluun vielä joskus! ^__^

    Morin tapaaminen oli kyllä ♥ oih! ♥ jotain niin upeaa!

    Kiva kun jaksat bloggailla taas! :)

    ~ Frillycakes ~

    1. Olisk kesäkuussa kuuma? :'DD musta oli.. Emmä muista enää! :DD Oli mun mielestä aika lämmin sillonkin. Oon varmaan dementoitumassa.

      Toi parveke oli kyl paras. Kesä takasin! Ei tämmöstä märkää ja pimeetä jaksa :<.

  3. Ihana tuo teidän parveke! Mahtava, ihan kuin pieni buduaari missä voi viettää pienen porukan teekutsuja (jääteekutsuja, heheehhee!)

    Vähän kyllä harmittaa kun jäi animecon välistä tänä vuonna, :/ kauniina olet siellä ollut! omien idolien tapaaminen on kyllä melkoisen tunnerikasta touhua, itse olen parkunut kun tapasin Nightwishin ensi kertaa :D

    1. Se oli kyllä<3 Siel oli päivällä kyllä aika kuuma välillä ku aurinko porotti suoraan tohon, mut tolleen illalla (niinku tässä kuvassa) oli hanan lepposta istuskella ja juoda teetä. Jääteetä ei kyl tullu tehtyä, harmi.

      Sellanen fanityttö-hetki on toisaalta ihana mut sit sitä tavallaan hävettää ku itkee sellasen asian takia :'DD. Oon myös itkeny Rammsteinin keikalla. Että silleen. : D

  4. Tosi kaunis parveke teillä!<3 Ja otan osaa läheisesi poismenon johdosta. :( <3
